2018年10月16日 星期二

大溪地舞曲Te Here

Te Here 歌詞 (英文翻譯) :
"You are my love, the one I search from heaven to earth, to the depths of the sea.
你是我的愛, 我的命中注定的那位, 從天上到地上,在到海底的深淵, 我找尋你。
You are my pearl, an everlasting love. And when we have to die and to be separated, the Gods will curse us.
你是我的珍寶(珍珠), 我永恆的愛
In spite of everything I will always love you, across the storm and the rain.
我會永遠的愛著你, 不管路途上多麼的艱難 (這裡用閃電與風暴來形容阻礙)
When the winds are blowing hard and the lightning appears I will hold you in my hand like a flower, and when our love ceases to exist it will be because you are dead."
當閃電來臨, 我會握緊你的手, 就像呵護著脆弱的花朵
當我的愛停止了, 那是因為你的離開 (死去)
<也可說, 只有你走了 我才會停止的愛你>

